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A business cash advance is a flexible finance option for businesses accepting card payments. Allowing you to secure up to 240% of your monthly card turnover, paid back as a percentage of each transaction. 


No APR. No time frame, just pay it back when you earn.


Yes, a one off fixed fee agreed at the start irrespective of how long it takes you to pay it back. 

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Click below for a funding specialist to take you through your options. 


What is Open Banking?

Open banking is an efficient way for financial facilitators to gain access to customers transaction history/volumes by connecting directly with their bank account. There is no way to deposit or withdraw funds, this is purely for the purpose of transferring data from consumers to facilitators.



Is Open Banking Safe?

Yes. There are many elements of protection involved for consumers however most important is your own bank will protect you against regulated open banking providers. All regulated providers will appear on the FCA register and appear on the open banking directory.



Are you protected?

Yes. We pride ourselves in providing safe and secure facilities for our clients, from transferring data to depositing funds.


All open banking providers we use, are FCA regulated and in the Open banking directory, giving all consumer not just confidence but protection in every aspect.

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